Ethics in the workplace is a serious matter, but talking about it doesn’t have to be “business as usual.” Chuck Gallagher learned a lesson about ethics, choices and consequences the hard way—but now he shares his experience so that others don’t have to.
You may have seen Chuck on television, or heard him onCNN, CBSorNPRradio programs. His business insights are sought after for his strong position on ethics and ethical leadership. Chuck’s focus is business—but his passion is empowering others. His unique presentations on Business Ethics clearly demonstrate he brings something to the platform that isn’t often found in typical business speakers. Chuck’s personal experience in building businesses and sales teams while leading companies provides a practical and powerful framework for ethical success.
Currently COO of a national company and former Sr. VP of Sales and Marketing for a public company, Chuck may have found a sales niche early on in life selling potholders door to door, or convincing folks to fund a record album of his musical performance at age 16 (and yes those were the days when an album was made of vinyl), but it was the school of hard knocks that provided a fertile training ground for Chuck’s lessons in success. Described as creative, insightful, captivating, and a person that “connects the dots” between behavior, choices and success, Chuck gives his clients what they need to turn concepts into actions and actions into results.
In the middle of a rising career, Chuck lost everything because he made some bad choices. He has since rebuilt his career and his life back to immense success. With more vulnerability than the average keynoter, Chuck shares with his audiences his life journey, the consequences of his unethical choices, and how life gives you second chances when you make the right choices. In fact, Chuck’s new book, SECOND CHANCES: Transforming Adversity into Opportunity, has received numerous endorsements and has been described as one of those rare books that effectively bridges the gap between personal accountability and business success.
With Chuck you have an industry professional sharing practical tested and time proven methods that can enhance personal and professional performance. What Chuck shares in his presentations, whether training, keynotes or consulting, are understandings of not only “how to”, but also “what motivates behavior”—behavior of individuals that can create personal and professional success. On a nationwide basis, Chuck has helped countless individuals on their journey to success!
So here’s the question: Do you want your personal performance or your company’s performance to improve? If so, Chuck offers a “real world” practical approach to improving your understanding of how to achieve ethical choices! Now is the time to book Chuck and take the steps needed to improve yourself and grow your business, thereby achieving your success!